Good morning peeps. Today is Jan,4 2010. 4 days after new Year.
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.
Syukur Alhamdulillah. Im manage to survive, manage 2 stay with ma beloved family. So new journey begin. :)
anyway, i just wanna share some story here. quite bad i guess.
Yesterday, my brother in law accident.da car damage was pretty bad. luckily, no major injured ni. then, me & my bro's suppose 2 antar another oLd skool family car for him, Since his car masuk workshop. during dat rush hour, happen 2b at ma place got 1 Husband & wife dtg pi rumah. Ntah mcm mana la kejadian nya, time dia start enjin kreta, kreta nya trus langgar 1 lgi keta family ni. adeh.... bingung terus kejap. dat time ada my dad, so ask him to atur la selebihnya.hhihihihi.
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3:00 AM + in the morning, i receive phone call from ma sis. she's like bingung2 + sad. rumah nya masuk pencuri ni. huhuhuhu. most of barang2 kena tapau ni. adui.. bangsat betul ba ni pencuri ni. nasib family akak ku tiada apa2. well gitu la sedikit sebanyak crita nya. definately Behambur suda ayat2 rojak ku ni.nda pa la. just feel want 2 say it like dis way. so to da readers ait, just be careful la in wat eva things u do.we'll never noe. imagine saja la, kreta yg bagus2 parking, cun2 d rumah sendiri pun boleh kena kan pula d luar. ( start suda aku melalut ntah apa2 ntah )
Well, basically this is life. I just hope & i pray that everything will be fine. kita hanya mampu merancang, tuhan yg menentukan segala nya. yang penting, kita mesti terus berusaha sebaik nya ( now, im sound really Skema d lemma )
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